Let Me Hold U

“Let Me Hold You” is Afrofuturistic SoulFusion Love Music. The song, a heartfelt tribute recorded live in the rain, is dedicated to Black Women Worldwide from Black Men Worldwide, promising our love, comfort, protection, and affection. We love you, Our Beloved SiStars! Follow the light…

Afrofuturistic #SoulFusion #Music genre is #BlackMusic for the #Soul.

The Carib Angel

Great Rising Your Highnesses, I hope u are exceedingly well. “The Carib Angel” is an #Afrofuturistic #SoulFusion #Rock #song, created during a lucid dream of lead guitarist extraordinaire, Ari O. shredding a guitar solo…. Hey Ari, I’d love for you and your Lady friends to rock out on this sometime!

Follow The Light…