Afrofuturistic #SoulFusion Music: EyeAm

New Afrofuturistic SoulFusion music, EyeAm, from the album #DigitalSage, is a song inspired by the Cosmic Octave of my people. SoulFusion Music, like all the Black Music before us, acknowledges and pays tribute to the nature of our existence in the realm and this song has something special in it for all of us. Shout out to the Ancestors for the gift… Follow the light๐ŸŽถ๐ŸŒ๐Ÿค˜๐Ÿฟ๐ŸŽฉ.

New Music: Know Thyself

Know Thyself, by Lennon English, is a song from the SoulFusion music genre that uses rumbling basslines, slick melodies, & clever metaphors from an Ancient Language from the future to summarize experiences on the path to Knowledge of Self.

“The body is the Temple of the Gods. Therefore it is said, Know Thyself.”